An Introductory Note:
Click on any title to view these memoirs. The familiar "click here" prompt is not needed on this page. All of these files open up for viewing in your browser. A few of these files (those which involved scanning) will open up for viewing using Adobe's (pdf) Reader product. Some examples of this are People magazine, SemNet discussion, the Grotto map and all the maps used in the "Locating St. Joes..." memoir. Don't panic, you should not feel any difference; well...., except for the need to squint at the size of some of the words. So, due to some questions and comments, I have created a page for you that contains: Three Tips for viewing some of these memoir files. Enjoy!
Michael John Sheehan, HS'71, "The Chosen Few"
A Catholic coming of age mystery.
Synopsis A forbidden tower. Curious students. Disturbing discoveries. Every boarding school has its secrets...
Brian Cahill, R'60, "Cops, Cons and Grace"
A father's journey to the brink of despair and his road back to peace.
SemNet Discussion: Father John Olivier, S.S.
A collection of e-mail notes that honor our great (now retired) teacher
(A second volume of notes is currently being collected)
Don Kohles, R'52, famous "Rambler Book"
A personal sports diary, Created by Don in 1951-52, provides insights and coverage of the adventures of the Rambler Team. Pages 1-6 are included here with more pages to be scanned. I am curious about how this old document will look on our website. It is handwritten and Don's original art work is included. Barbara Kohles very graciously loaned this book to us; It is a treasure. Thank you Barbara!!!
SemNet Discussion: Bishop Mike Kenny
In honor of this year of his 75th birthday, the SemNet remembers their classmate and friend with this tribute of collected notes.
Bishop Kenny: A Life Lived for Others
By Bishop Edward Burns, current Bishop of Juneau, Alaska. This article was first published in the Juneau Empire on 7/9/2011.
I Danced with Joy, Bishop Michael Kenny Remembered
A book by Kathy Vanderjack (with Karla Donaghey)
This two page excerpt includes the forward by Walter J. Hickel, former governor of Alaska, and the book's Introduction by Kathy Vanderjack.
People Magazine, September 25, 2006
Can you name one former seminarian who has been featured in People Magazine?
Entertainment at St. Joseph’s
Compiled by Robert Del Tredici, R’59
Movies, Stage Plays, Books and Piano Concerts
Some random reflections on St. Joseph’s – St. Patrick’s
By Bruce Atkinson, R’52
Alumni Day Homily - 2010
by Rev. Jerrold F. Kennedy, R'60
A Collection of Graduating Class Holy Cards
from Alex Larkin, R'61
Remembering The Barn
by Bill Wall, with Dan Folliard and Jim Nice, (all R'63)
The Rock's Story
by Chuck Smith, R'60
Our Monument: A 6 year Narrative with pictures
Visiting St. Patrick's (while we were at St. Joseph's)
by Bill Wall, R'63
Locating St. Joseph's (College) Seminary Using Map Overlays
by Chuck Smith, R'60
Remembering St. Joseph's Seminary
by John Hinsvark, R'60
The End Of A Chapter
by Rev. John H. Olivier
On The Banks Of The Permanente
The story of the Seminary Grotto. (From "The Patrician" 1952)
by Walter Harrington, R'51
Walt Harrington's map of our grotto
This hand drawn map was originally a part of Walt's historic article about the creation of our Grotto. It has now been scanned separately and it is on its own page.
A Day In My Life At Saint Joseph's College (Seminary) 1958
by Bill Wall, R'63
A Seminary Memory - Midnight Mass
by Bill Wall, R'63
Remembering Those Class Walks
by Bill Wall, R'63
Do you Remember "the Mystery?"
by Bill Wall, R'63
Stanford Football Games"
by Bill Wall, R'63
A Year's Review In Sports
The Blow Staff, June 1953
Books authored by former students and teachers (new section):
This is actually a new part of the Memoir page of our web site. It all began with Greg McAllister's book, and now we want to expand this section with other appropriate books written by former students and teachers. Not all of these books will be "strictly memoirs." But they will all be created from the minds of former seminarians and our teachers. I do have a small list of future additions; your suggestions will really be appreciated. Thank you.
Confessions of a Serial Celibate
A book by Greg McAllister R'61
From Blind Obedience to a Responsible Faith
A book by Donald Fausel, St. Joseph's Seminary Faculty (1957-1959)
Rescuing Religion: How Faith Can Survive Its Encounter with Science
By John Van Hagen, R'60